Chapter books and non-fiction/informational books are for older children.On the plus side, they tend to be shorter, but then your writing needs to be very good to grab interest and keep the story tight.
They tend to be in full color, which makes them more expensive to print, so bear that in mind. Picture books are suitable for younger children.

The plot, content, and themes of your book need to be age appropriate for your intended readers for them to be appealing (remember that parents are the ultimate gatekeepers who can determine whether or not a child reads your book). The term “children’s books” covers everything from board books with one word on a page to chapter books, novels and non-fiction factual books written for kids in middle school and teens (young adults). Since the majority of fairy tales are in the public domain, you're free to snaffle up characters and plots and take them to completely new places with totally new attitudes!Ĭonsider which age group interests you as a writer. The entertainment industry is currently experiencing a greatly revived interest in fairy tales and turning them modern. For example, check out such books as: Goodnight Moon, Where the Wild Things Are, The Polar Express, and other favorites. Don't limit yourself to recent works––go back in time and read stories that have withstood the test of time and try to find for yourself what it is about them that is so everlasting. For good fiction inspiration, read the classics.Do you want to write fiction or non-fiction? Non-fiction or informational books require research or knowledge of the subject matter and can be good if you're an expert about something like dinosaurs, meteors or machinery.Do you want your book to have illustrations, or will it be text-only?.

Think about which books appeal to you most, and why. Go to your library or children’s bookstore and spend a few hours browsing. As you begin thinking of ideas for your children’s book, it’s very helpful to read others’ work.